Index to
Ferns and Lycophytes of Japan

Family: Lycopodiaceae ヒカゲノカズラ科 > Genus: Lycopodium L. ヒカゲノカズラ属
GreenList Taxon ID: 9

Accepted name

Lycopodium annotinum L.


和名別名: シンノスギカズラ

Basionym and homotypic synonym(s)

Lycopodium annotinum L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1103, 1753. BHL Tropicos
Lepidotis annotina (L.) P.Beauv., Prodr. Aethiogam. 107, 1805, nom. illeg. Tropicos
Spinulum annotinum (L.) A.Haines, Fam. Huperziaceae & Lycopodiaceae New England 86, 2003. Tropicos

Type information in the protologue:
Designated type:
Lectotype - typotype "Muscus terrestris repens, clavis singularibus erectis Plukenet", Phyotologia t. 205, f. 5 (1692) (-) [BM-SL 97:3] designated by B. J. Jonsell & C. E. Jarvis in Nord. J. Bot. 14: 147, 1994. Link

Heterotypic synonym(s) and/or incorporated taxa (forma or lower)

Lycopodium annotinum L. var. alpestre Hartm., Handb. Skand. Fl. (ed. 2) 294, 1832. Tropicos
Lycopodium annotinum L. subsp. alpestre (Hartm.) Á.Löve et D.Löve, Nucleus 1: 7, 1958. Tropicos

Type information in the protologue:

Lycopodium annotinum L. var. pungens Desv. ex Spring, Monogr. Lycop. 1: 78, 1842 (original: 'β. Pungens'). BHL Tropicos
Lycopodium annotinum L. f. pungens (Desv. ex Spring) Porsild, Meddel. Grønland 50: 364, 1912.

Type information in the protologue:
(insular Terrae-Novae/Kamtschatka/Groenlandia/Labrador)

Lycopodium annotinum L. var. angustatum Takeda, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 23(274): 214, 1909. BHL
Lycopodium annotinum L. f. angustatum (Takeda) Satou, Hikkobia 12(3): 269, 1997.

Type information in the protologue:
([many syntypes])
Digitized type material:
Herbarium & Reg. No. Type status Collector & No. Locality Coll. date
TNS VS 800017SyntypeK. Miura s.n.Japan, Bessobu, nisulae, Esurup.1906-7-13

Lycopodium annotinum L. var. latifolium Takeda, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 23(274): 215, Fig. 8, 1909. BHL
Lycopodium annotinum L. f. latifolium (Takeda) Tagawa, J. Jap. Bot. 33(7): 200, 1909. Link

Type information in the protologue:
U. Faurie 7323/K. Miyabe/T. Ishikawa/T. Kawakami/K. Jimbo/M. Aizawa/K. yendo/T. Miyake/T. Miyake (Yezo. Prov. Kitami: Montagnes de Rebunshiri/Kuril. Shibetoro/Kuril. inter Shibetoro et Otuimaushi/Kuril. in mote Atoiya/Kuril. Insula Urup/Kuril. secus fl. Tokotan/Kuril. Insula Shimushu: loco non indicato/Kuril. in sinu Kataoka/Sachalin. In monte Susuya/Sachalin. Hamdasa, 1891.6.22/1884.7.30/1890.9.10/1898.8.11/1891.7.4/1900.6.27/1903.6.29/1907.8.31&27/1906.8.27)

Lycopodium annotinum L. var. acrifolium Fernald, Rhodora 17(198): 124, 1915. BHL Tropicos

Type information in the protologue:
Fernald (Maine.Dover, 1895.7.22) [herb. New England Botanical Club (holo)]
Digitized type material:
Herbarium & Reg. No. Type status Collector & No. Locality Coll. date
NEBC00135254HolotypeFernald, M.L., #s.n.Maine: Piscataquis, Piscataquis River Valley, Dover.1895-7-22
S-P-12464IsotypeFernald, M.L., #s.n.Maine: Piscataquis, Piscataquis River Valley, Dover.1895-7-22
NEBC00021570Isotype?Fernald, M.L., #s.n.Deciduous woods, Dover.1895-7-22
US00135487Isotype?Fernald, M.L., #s.n.Maine, Dover.1895-7-22

Information on ploidy level and reproductive mode

Chromosome number Ploidy level Reproductive mode Locality Remarks Reference
n=342xMt.Kurohimeyama, Nagano var. acrifolium FernaldTakamiya & Kurita 1983 (Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 34: 66-79)
n=342xMt.Kirigamine & Mt.Kurohimeyama, Nagano Pref. Takamiya & Kurita 1983 (Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 34: 66-79)
2n=682xMt.Teineyama & Mt.Muineyama, Hokkaido Pref.; Mt.Yunomaruyama, Gunma Pref.; Mt.Kurohime-yama & Mt.Kirigamine, Nagano Oref.Takamiya 1992 (Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 105: 573-588)