Index to
Ferns and Lycophytes of Japan

Family: Ophioglossaceae ハナヤスリ科 > Genus: Botrychium Sw. ハナワラビ属
GreenList Taxon ID: 51

Accepted name

Botrychium lanceolatum (S.G.Gmel.) Ångstr.


Basionym and homotypic synonym(s)

Osmunda lanceolata S.G Gmel., Novi Comment. Acad. Sci. Imp. Petrop. 12: 516, t. 11, f. 2, 1768. BHL Tropicos
Botrychium lanceolatum (S.G.Gmel.) Ångstr., Bot. Not. 1854: 68, 1854. Link Tropicos

Type information in the protologue:
([no info])

Heterotypic synonym(s) and/or incorporated taxa (forma or lower)

Botrychium palmatum C.Presl, Suppl. Tent. Pterid. 43, 1845. BHL

Type information in the protologue:
Oeder/Chamisso (montium Norvegiae ad Slidre/in insula Unalaschka)

Botrychium lanceolatum (S.G.Gmel.) Ångstr. var. angustisegmentum Pease et A.H.Moore, Rhodora 8(96): 229, 1906. BHL Tropicos
Botrychium lanceolatum (S.G.Gmel.) Ångstr. subsp. angustisegmentum (Pease et A.H.Moore) Clausen, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 64(5): 280, 1937. Link Tropicos
Botrychium palmatum C.Presl subsp. angustisegmentum (Pease et A.H.Moore) Satou, Hikobia 12(3): 268, 1997.

Type information in the protologue:
E. B. Chamberlain 354 (Maine, Bristol, 1897.7.19) [NEBC (holo)]
Digitized type material:
Herbarium & Reg. No. Type status Collector & No. Locality Coll. date
NEBC00020683HolotypeE. B. Chamberlain, #354Bristol1897-7-19