Index to
Ferns and Lycophytes of Japan

Family: Aspleniaceae チャセンシダ科 > Genus: Asplenium L. チャセンシダ属
GreenList Taxon ID: 363

Accepted name

Asplenium x mitsutae Viane et Reichst.


Basionym and homotypic synonym(s)

Asplenium x mitsutae Viane et Reichst., Fl. China 2-3: 303, 2013. Link

Type information in the protologue:
Viane 4046-B(= TR-7177) (China. Sichuan: Qingcheng Shan, ca. 70 km WNW of Chengdu, 1050 m, 1988.9.16) [GENT (holo)]

Heterotypic synonym(s) and/or incorporated taxa (forma or lower)

Asplenium x mitakense Nakaike, New Fl. Jap. Pterid. rev. & enl. 836, f. 906 , 1992, nom. nud.