Index to
Ferns and Lycophytes of Japan

Family: Pteridaceae イノモトソウ科 > Genus: Coniogramme Fée イワガネゼンマイ属
GreenList Taxon ID: 252

Accepted name

Coniogramme x fauriei Hieron.


和名別名: コダマイヌイワガネ

Basionym and homotypic synonym(s)

Coniogramme x fauriei Hieron., Hedwigia 57(4): 320, 1916 (original as non-nothotaxon). BHL Tropicos
Coniogramme japonica (Thunb.) Diels var. fauriei (Hieron.) Tagawa, J. Jap. Bot. 15(7): 427, 1939. Link
xConiodictyogramme fauriei (Hieron.) Nakai, Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. 27: 22, 1949.

Type information in the protologue:
U. Faurie 73 (in insula Quelpaert (a peninsula Korea ad meridiem versus sita), 1906.10)
Digitized type material:
Herbarium & Reg. No. Type status Collector & No. Locality Coll. date
B 20 0038937HolotypeFaurie, U., #73Quelpart (Cheju-do)1906-10
P00511671Isotype?Faurie, U., #73Corée : Ile Quelpaert1906-10

Heterotypic synonym(s) and/or incorporated taxa (forma or lower)

Coniogramme x fauriei Hieron. f. kojimae Nakaike, New Fl. Jap. Pterid. rev. & enl. 825, 1992, nom. nud.

Coniogramme x fauriei Hieron. nothof. kisoensis K.Otsuka, Fl. Nagano Pref. 1505, 1997 (original as forma).

Type information in the protologue:
(Honshu. Pref. Nagano: Nojiri, Okuwa-mura, Kiso-gun) [SHIN 120598 (holo)]

Information on ploidy level and reproductive mode

Chromosome number Ploidy level Reproductive mode Locality Remarks Reference
(2n=ca.120)4xirrOboradani, Shizuoka Pref.Kurita 1963b (J. Jap. Bot. 38: 42-46)
(2n=120)4xirrCultivated in Tokyo Univ. of EducationMitui 1968 (Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Sec. B 13: 285-333)
(2n=120)4xirrImakawa, Niigata Pref.Mitui 1975 (Bull. Nippon Dental Coll., General Edu. 4: 221-271)
(2n=120)4xirrJikoji, Niigata Pref.Mitui 1976b (Bull. Nippon Dental Univ., General Edu. 5: 133-140)