Index to
Ferns and Lycophytes of Japan

Family: Dennstaedtiaceae コバノイシカグマ科 > Genus: Microlepia C.Presl フモトシダ属
GreenList Taxon ID: 220

Accepted name

Microlepia strigosa (Thunb.) C.Presl


和名別名: イブスキイシカグマ

Basionym and homotypic synonym(s)

Trichomanes strigosum Thunb. , Syst. Veg. (ed. 14) 941, 1784. BHL Tropicos
Dicksonia strigosa (Thunb.) Thunb., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 2: 341, 1794. BHL Tropicos
Davallia strigosa (Thunb.) Kunze, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 6: 542, 1848. BHL Tropicos
Microlepia strigosa (Thunb.) C.Presl, Abh. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5 6: 455, 1851. BHL Tropicos
Dennstaedtia strigosa (Thunb.) J.Sm., Hist. Fil. 265, 1875. BHL Tropicos

Type information in the protologue:
Thunb (jap.)
Designated type:
Lectotype - C. P. Thunberg s.n. (JAPAN [“e Japonia”]) [UPS-THUNB 25128] designated by T. Nakaike in New Fl. Jap. Pterid. 180, 1982.
Digitized type material:
Herbarium & Reg. No. Type status Collector & No. Locality Coll. date
UPS-THUNB 25129LectotypeThunberge Japonia

Heterotypic synonym(s) and/or incorporated taxa (forma or lower)

Dicksonia japonica Sw., J. Bot. (Schrader) 1800(2): 92, 1801. Link Tropicos
Davallia japonica (Sw.) Kunze, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 6: 542, 1848. BHL Tropicos
Microlepia japonica (Sw.) C.Presl, Abh. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5 6: 455, 1851. BHL Tropicos

Type information in the protologue:
([no info])

Microlepia strigosa (Thunb.) C.Presl var. caudata Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 46(542): 63, 1932. Link

Type information in the protologue:
T. Nakai (Insula Hahajima: in silvis Koromodate) [TI (holo)]

Microlepia strigosa (Thunb.) C.Presl f. kawaharae Nakaike, New Fl. Jap. Pterid. rev. & enlarg. 798, f. 856, 1992, nom. nud.

Information on ploidy level and reproductive mode

Chromosome number Ploidy level Reproductive mode Locality Remarks Reference
n=43, 2n=862xsexNachi, Wakayama Pref.Kurita 1972 (Ann. Rep. Foreign Students' Coll., Chiba Univ. 7: 47-53)
n=432xsexCultivated in Botanical Garden, Univ. of TokyoMitui 1965 (J. Jap. Bot. 40: 117-124)
n=432xsexCultivated in Botanical Garden, Univ. of TokyoMitui 1968 (Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Sec. B 13: 285-333)
n=432xsexShimoda, Shizuoka Pref.Sasamoto 1970 (J. Geobot. 18: 68-72)
n=432xsexHahajima Isl., Tokyo Pref.Mitui 1973 (J. Jap. Bot. 48: 247-254)
n=432xsexOkinawajima Isl., Okinawa Pref.Mitui 1976a (J. Jap. Bot. 51: 33-41)
2n=842xKure City, Hiroshima Pref.Kawakami 1979 (Bull. Aichi Univ. of Educ. (Nat. Sci.) 28: 85-104)
2n=842xSuzaki, Shizuoka Pref.; Owase, Mie Pref.; Nachi, Wakayama Pref.; Yakushima Isl., Kagoshima Pref.Nakato & Serizawa 1981 (J. Jap. Bot. 56: 161-168)